Music Therapy Programs are specifically designed to utilize each child’s strengths and meet the unique needs of each child or group. This is accomplished through:
- Formal Assessment of cognitive, social, physical, psychological, behavioral and emotional needs
- Treatment Plan including goals and objectives developed by the child’s education and therapist teams (Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Behavior Strategist, Teacher, Aid), parents/guardian and the music therapist
- Clinical Sessions of varied interventions addressing goals and objectives outlined in the treatment plan
- Periodic Case Review to monitor progress, revise goals and objectives, ensure client(s), therapist and others involved in treatment (family members, educators, and other health professionals) are working together as effectively as possible
- Discharge Planning to prepare the client(s) for termination of current services and ensure awareness of other available resources
Sessions may include the following interventions:
- Singing (familiar, original or improvised tunes)
- Instrumental Playing
- Music and Movement (including games and dance)
- Song books (including music and pictures, developed to address specific goals)
- Improvisation
- Composing/Songwriting
- Music Assisted Relaxation
- Music Integrated with Visual Arts